transaction accelerator
With the product 'Transaction Accelerator' new possibilities are open to you.
Where classically configured systems lead to performance bottlenecks, for example in the area of NRDM (Near-Realtime Data Management), the inSky Transaction Accelerator can help you. inSky provides you with the option of processing your requirements in an in-memory database system.
The advantages for you are obvious: An in-memory database system (IMDB ) is a database management system that does not store its data on conventional hard disk storage, but uses the main memory (RAM) directly for this purpose. This allows considerably higher access speeds. These optimized accesses and the resulting optimization and acceleration of processing are passed on directly to your server. Your clients thus receive the best possible performance.
inSky optimizes your processing, the data model, which is the basis of the configuration, is designed for this use case particularly compact and, if necessary, not relational. The IMDB is often used in the environment of Big Data and data warehouse applications. The in-memory technology enables these processes to achieve results on the basis of huge amounts of data within a very short time. The pre-aggregation of data or the use of OLAP cubes becomes obsolete due to the high performance of the IMDB. Both structured and unstructured data can be processed without the need for prior aggregation of the dataset.
The inSky Transaction Accelerator is only available in combination with the connection of one of your databases. In this hybrid model, the weakness of the IMDB concept is overcome. One of the central problems of in-memory databases is the permanent storage and persistence of data. Since the IMDB uses volatile RAM, data loss is a high risk. Here, InSky relies on a hybrid mechanism of asynchronously committing data to your database system and journalizing the IMDB to guarantee the best possible availability.
The Transaction Accelerator as a solution only makes sense in a coordinated environment, please contact us. We will work with you individually to develop a holistic concept tailored to your requirements from the following areas Products of the inSky, an optimal data connection, a revision of the underlying architecture and infrastructure.
Our specialists are at your disposal for a consultation.